Saturday, June 21, 2008

Global Warming

This blog is for me to tell you the effects of global warming and what we are doing. Global warming is BAD!!! Richer country's such as America are living a nice comfortable modern lifestyle but Americans lifestyles are releasing to much greenhouse gasses. The world is warming up and soon according to the book an inconvenient truth by Al Gore if we carry on like this Iceland or the West Atlantic Ice Shelf will heat up then melt into the sea. If either of these melt then the world water level will rise 20 feet! that would mean that Miami would be under water Amsterdam would be under water Bangladesh and the city of Calcutta would be under water and many other countries would also be under water! Towns like Mt Manganui,Kaikora (in NZ) and many more would be under water! That means our house and my grandma and grandads house would be under water! we would have to go and live on the Papamoa hills!!!!


Sharper said...

Shireen this is so cool that you are aware of the problems. Now we will talk about what we can do to slow down and maybe even stop some of these terrible things happening.

jennylu said...

Hi Shireen,

I see you have Laura stockman's blog linked here. Isn't she amazing. She Skyped into my classroom a week or so ago and talked about what she has been doing. It was very special. I wish you well with your blogging -you never know where it may take you.

Jenny Luca.

Heymilly said...

This is very scary! My class is learning about how they can make a difference to the environment this term. I will share your blog with them! Keep up the great blogging!
Miss Signal aka heymilly

Paul R. Wood said...

Congratulations on your blogging efforts. My wife and I have become very aware of what is going on as we have also seen "An Inconvenient Truth." As a resultwe went out and bought a hybrid car and have changed the lights in our house to CFC or compact flourescent bulbs. I wish you good luck in your efforts. I live in Dallas, TX.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shireen,

My 7 year old son Thomas (Hughes) has joined Tree People and is pledging different things to help global warming initiatives. Perhaps you can join and link to his tree- a totara.

Looking foward to seeing you in the school holidays.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shireen!
I'm so glad that you are doing this! I'm always worrying about what will happen to the people who live there or around the oceans. I think that this can really help spread awarness. If it's okay with you, could I link to you on my blog? You can email me.